Submit Photos

Need help in plotting your photo book? No time to submit your photos to one of our branches? You can now send photos for layout on-line! Just gather your photos and follow our format below on how to submit and upload directly to our server using your personal computer.

Step 1

Create a new folder

Create a new folder and rename it "For Layout" or the title of your book would be advisable.

Step 2

Sorting & Sequencing

Open the created folder. Sort and sequence your photos by pages - according to how you want to see your book in every flip of the page.

Step 3


Once you're done with Step 2. Close the folder then click it once just to select it - right click choose add to archive (select zip or rar) then OK for Windows or compress items for Mac. Find the newly created .zip or .rar archive in the same location.

Step 4

Get ready to submit your photos

On our website's submit photos page - we need to know some details in order to start your photo book layout. Please fill in the order form. Once you're done, click submit & redirect me to uploader.

Step 5

Attach & Submit

Attach the compressed file created in Step 3. Enter your e-mail address. If you want to add more instructions, you may type it in the message box. Then click send all files.

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File Information

Paste your Google Drive / Dropbox / OneDrive share link here.

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Create a new folder

Create a new folder renaming it “For Layout” or the title of your book would be advisable.


Open the created folder, then sequence your photos by pages – according to how you want to see it on every flip of the page.


Once you’re done sequencing your photos by pages. Please close the folder, then compress (.zip / .rar) the folder with your sequenced photos.

Get ready to submit your photos

On our website: Go to Submit Photos – once you have full understand our 5-steps guide in preparing photos for layout, click Ready to Submit Photos below and you will be redirected to our Uploader powered by mailbigfile.

Attach & Submit

(1) Attach the compressed file created in step 3. (2) Enter your email address. (3) If there are special instructions or any theme that you might want to incorporate into your photo book layout, you may input it in the message box. Then click Send all files.

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