・SPEED FORMULA - Riders can count on the Speed Formula to maintain exceptional performance when straight lining hills. It provides quick hookup and release, as well as an amazing amount of grip to build speed while keeping you in control when it matters most ・GROOVETUBE CORE - The Groovetube Core has a wide, fibreglass reinforced, tube profile that allows the wheel to hold its shape for enhanced performance across a range of conditions. Expect improved grip, roll speed, and better sliding characteristics. The 35mm core means you get more urethane on each wheel for longer wheel life ・69MM ・78A ・CP: 35.5MM
Arbor アーバー スケートボード スケボー ロングスケートボード ロングボード ウィール 69mm ブルー 青 海外モデル アメリカ直輸入 海外正規品 Arbor Slate Sucrose Vice 78A 69mm Longboard Wheels (Default, Blue)
Arbor アーバー スケートボード スケボー ロングスケートボード ロングボード ウィール 69mm ブルー 青 海外モデル アメリカ直輸入 海外正規品 Arbor Slate Sucrose Vice 78A 69mm Longboard Wheels (Default, Blue)
・GROOVETUBE CORE - The Groovetube Core has a wide, fibreglass reinforced, tube profile that allows the wheel to hold its shape for enhanced performance across a range of conditions. Expect improved grip, roll speed, and better sliding characteristics. The 35mm core means you get more urethane on each wheel for longer wheel life
・CP: 35.5MM
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