Upload Print Ready File

Transferring of print ready projects now became faster, simpler, secured, and hassle-free with the use of our Website File Uploader, powered by Mailbigfile. We also accept files via Dropbox or Google Drive; just share a link with us. Just please remember to generate a shareable link, then copy and paste it into the contents of your email and send it to info@picturebooks.com.ph or you can also put it in the File Name under Other Information field.

Order Form

(For multiple books. Please use one (1) order form per book)






Key Things to Note

Using PictureBooks Publisher

Using our software some might find difficulties in uploading their projects due to slow connection. If this is the case we are also advising our customers to save their projects offline and send it via our website’s feature Upload File. Here are the steps on how to save and send your projects.

  1. Open the project you wish to order. If uploading ordered project becomes unsucessful, please make a duplicate, rename and open it.
  2. Click the cart icon located at the top right of the page, then choose Order Offline. You may also click File > Order > Order Offline.
  3. Fill in the required information and click Continue.
  4. You will be asked to select an order data destination. Please choose a location where you can easily locate it, i.e Desktop.
  5. You will be directed to Save to disk window – this will take a few minutes, depending on the project’s number of pages and size of the photos.
  6. After saving, you will be redirected to a new window that says “Your order has been successfully saved. Please burn the saved
    folder to CD or DVD...” – Just close it.
  7. Locate the saved folder, then compress it. Please be informed that our website uploader does not accept uncompressed folder.
    (How to compress? For Mac, for Windows.)
  8. Go to the Upload File section to submit your compressed file.
Using iPhoto/Photos

If you prefer using Mac iPhotos/Photos for your photo books and calendars, please do not use File – Print – Save as PDF command; because this might result to pages with uneven white borders due to a different page setting. Instead, right click (or Control + click) anywhere in the gray area, click the option to “Save as PDF” and give your file an appropriate name (i.e. the title of your book), and save it as a PDF file. Also, be careful of your spread images, make sure you do not have faces or important texts in the binding area.

PDF files generated by Mac iPhotos/Photos are usually print ready (cover & inside pages are already combined). Just attach or drag the PDF file to our website uploader. In the event of the opposite, please collate everything in one folder then compress (How to compress? For Mac). Attach or drag the compressed file into our website uploader.

Using Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, or Indesign

If you prefer to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Indesign to create your photo books and calendars, we require both Combined PDF and JPEG files. Combined PDF will only be used as a basis for sequence, and we will use the JPEG format for printing to avoid errors such as changing of colors, missing images/graphics, and moved objects. Projects that are saved in PDF format with the use of these applications sometimes have active layers which are the possible causes of errors.

Please follow these guidelines on how to save and collate your pages in JPEG format and PDF file.

  • Save each page or spread in High Quality JPEG (maximum) with 300dpi or above resolution. For PDF please use “High Quality Print PDF”. After saving everything in High Quality JPEG or PDF, please double check your file before submitting it to us.
  • File names should be according to its page number. (please see format)
    o Pages: 001, 002, 003, 004,005… or 001, 002-003, 004-005…
    o Cover: Front Cover, Back Cover or Cover
  • Combine everything (PDF folder and JPEGs folder) in one folder. Rename the folder to your book title.
  • Compress the folder. Please do take note that our website uploader does not accept uncompressed folder. (How to compress? For Mac, for Windows.)
  • Attach or drag the compressed folder.

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